Why choose larch for a wooden house

Aware of the importance of being eco-responsible, companies are increasingly offering services that respect nature. Among these is the construction of wooden houses. These are becoming more than a trend among individuals. In addition to being an ecological material, wood has several other advantages. However, it is a bit difficult to choose the type of wood that would be suitable for a house. Discover in this article the benefits of Larch. A very effective species for MOBs (timber frame houses).

A wood available in several shades

Larch is one of the rare woods that is available in several colors. There are twelve shades including mainly reddish brown, brown, gold red variants, honey, and light yellow variants. To select the color you need according to your needs, it is good to get help from a specialist.

For each type of color you will get a particular beauty, softness and style. Thanks to this diversity of color, it is possible to use this type of wood in any room and for any decoration. However, you should remember to use wax and oil to keep the natural color of the wood.

An aesthetic wood

Larch is your best ally when it comes to aesthetics, and at the same time sustainable construction. It is very pretty, and your visitors will have no trouble identifying the cross sections it shows on your beautiful floor.

Sometimes it is even compared to red oak; it is a wood full of nobility. You could also use it to draw annual rings that give a special look to the soil. Its installation is very simple, and its maintenance does not require too much effort. With a little water and soap, your terrace will be like new.

Water resistance and strength

Larch is recognized for its tenacity against many destructive agents such as living microorganisms, fire and even water. In addition to offering impeccable humidity, this wood, instead of losing its resistance in water, becomes stronger. You have nothing to worry about using it to decorate your swimming pool terrace and even your kitchen.

It is one of the most durable materials, and its strength is comparable to that of oak. Whether subjected to heavy use or not, and to temperature variations, Larch will retain many of its properties for a very long time. It is very resistant to impact, and completely rot-proof.

A wood that contains phytoncides

Larch wood gives the pieces an excellent needle scent due to the presence of phytoncides. Your rooms will always smell good and you will be more than delighted. Also, these phytoncides fight against the reproduction and development of organisms that can harm wood. It is therefore an ideal material for your construction, especially if you have children. By the way, you will not worry about the presence of fungus on your soil.

A perfect wood for thermal insulation

If, like everyone else, you are thinking about using thermal insulation to reduce your energy expenditure; know that Larch is the wood that suits you. Whether it’s hot or cold, this wood will make the rooms of your house very comfortable. The temperature inside will remain optimal and satisfactory for most of the time.

However, to benefit from its properties, you must choose solid boards, especially for the floor covering. As you will have understood, opting for this wood offers several advantages relating to aesthetics, durability, and installation. And even more, you have a wide range of choices that combine beauty, comfort and softness.